Full Package Custom Children’s Book, Editor, Illustrator, Formatter, Publishing assistance Seller details


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Book Details

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Have you ever wanted to publish a children’s book yourself but didn’t know how? Do you already have a rough or finished manuscript?
Included in this package:
– Editing including: Copy Editing, Line Editing, and Proofreading
– Up to 10 inside illustrations
– Formatting up to 24 pages
– Guidance on self-publishing online
– Files ready for publishing and making book available to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart, Apple Ebooks, and many more.
Timeline: Typical timeline takes about 12 weeks however could be shorter or longer.
Contract: We’ll make a contract which includes an NDA, Transfer of ownership, and Statement of Work (SOW). You’ll own the illustrations upon completion!
Initial Consultation required to begin. Book yours here: www.calendly.com/qbnstudios
Each additional illustration will be billed for separately. Each additional page for formatting will be billed separately.


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