Set of 4 Soviet Russian Сказки Illustrated Childrens Classics Books 1970s USSR Nursery Book, Kid’s Books Книга за книгой Seller details


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Immerse your child in the enchanting world of Soviet children’s literature with our set of four timeless classics from the “Книга за книгой” (Book by Book) series.
Step into the enchanting world of Soviet children’s literature with this captivating set of illustrated stories. Each book offers a unique glimpse into the values and themes cherished during the Soviet era, from tales of bravery and patriotism to magical folklore and poignant narratives.
1) “Гуттаперчевый мальчик” [повесть в сокращении] by Димтрий Васильевич Григорович (Gutta-percha Boy” [abridged story] by Dmitry Vasilievich Grigorovich, Drawings by T. V. Pribylovskaya (Т. В. Прибыловской) 1982 Language: Russian Soft cover, 32 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 1,000,000 copies. Format: 140×215 mm Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Very Good vintage condition, with a small fold on the back cover. Refer to photos.
ENGLISH: A poignant tale for children recounting the tragic destiny of an acrobat boy. Suitable for primary school age.
RUSSIAN: Повесть для детей о трагической судьбе мальчика-акробата. Для младшего школьного возраста.
2) “Сума, дай ума! (сборник) by А. Нечаев (Suma, Give Me Some Brains! (collection) by A. Nechaev). Art by L. Durasov (Л. Дурасов) 1986 Russian language Soft cover, Condition: GOOD with slight nibbling on cover edges. See photos for details. Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Dimensions: 145 x 215 mm, 64 pages + 4 cover Circulation: 750,000
ENGLISH: Dive into Russian folk tales retold by A. Nechaev in this captivating collection: “Fedul and Melania”, “The Miser”, “Chatty Woman”, “The Man and the Tsar”, “Porridge from an Ax” and more. Perfect for primary school-aged readers.
RUSSIAN: Погрузитесь в русские народные сказки, пересказанные А. Нечаевым, в этой захватывающей коллекции: “Федул и Меланья”, “Скряга”, “Болтливая баба”, “Мужик и царь”, “Каша из топора” и многие другие. Идеально подходит для младшего школьного возраста.
3) “Волшебное кольцо [сборник]” by Платонов Андрей Платонович (Magic Ring [collection] Andrey Platonovych Platonov Artist I. Kuznetsov (И. Кузнецов) 1973 Language: Russian Soft cover, 32 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 1,000,000 copies. Format: 145 x 215 mm, Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Very Good vintage condition. Refer to photos.
ENGLISH: Discover enchanting Russian fairy tales adapted by the renowned Soviet writer Andrei Platonovich Platonov (1899–1951) in “The Magic Ring” collection. These tales are both intriguing and simply presented, emphasizing themes of human kindness, justice, and happiness. CONTENT: • Ivan the Talentless and Elena the Wise. • Magic ring. Ideal for primary school readers.
RUSSIAN: Погрузитесь в захватывающие русские сказки, адаптированные известным советским писателем Андреем Платоновичем Платоновым (1899–1951) в сборнике «Волшебное кольцо». Эти сказки увлекательны и просты в изложении, акцентируя темы человеческой доброты, справедливости и счастья. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: • Иван Бесталанный и Елена Премудрая. • Волшебное кольцо. Идеально для младших школьников.
4) “Аленький цветочек” by Сергей Аксаков (The Scarlet Flower by Sergey Aksakov) Color illustrations by M. Uspenskaya (М. Успенская) 1978 Language: Russian Soft cover, 32 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 750,000 copies. Format: 145 x 215 mm, Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Good vintage condition with slight wear on spine and child’s drawing on inside back cover. Refer to photos.
ENGLISH: Delve into the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” recorded by the famous Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. He heard it during his childhood illness.
RUSSIAN: Погрузитесь в сказку “Аленький цветочек”, записанную известным русским писателем Сергеем Тимофеевичем Аксаковым. Он услышал ее во время своей детской болезни.
Material: Paper
Condition: All are in very good vintage condition, with almost no signs of usage. See photos for details
Dimensions: Various, see descriptions.
Years Made: 1973-1986
Weight: 183g


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