Custom Stories Made For little ones all the way to older children


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Custom Stories Made To Your Specification Each story being unique for you, Be It 100 Word Small Stories for Your little ones bedtime or 800-1000 word stories for older children who think of a story they want to hear but cannot find anything that fits what they specifically want.
I will create each story to what you desire with specifications including but not limited to (Place, season, Type of character be it an animal or human, If there is an underlying lesson to be learned such as Helping those around you not for your own benefit but for the betterment of the lives of the people around you.)
I will revise the story to perfection for you as many times as you need for it to be perfect for your child.
If after revisions you are not satisfied with your story i will happily rewrite a whole new story for you and if in the end you are not satisfied i can discuss a refund for you.
(All Unique stories are property of buyers and will not be shown publicly without their stated permission and will not be resold under any condition.)


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